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New Feature: PDF Scrubbrush
While PDF is intended to provide an entirely portable mechanism for exchange of non-trvial documents. However, in practice documents created by the real-world variety of clients almost inevitably contain deviations from the PDF standard which create issues when the document is processed by other applications and platforms. To ensure maximum compatibility the scrub brush feature re-compiles documents on the server using the using the Poppler libraries.
[workflow tmp]# pdffonts prescrubbed-document.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
CCQPLO+Arial CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 18 0
ArialMT TrueType WinAnsi no no no 26 0
Arial-BoldMT TrueType WinAnsi no no no 28 0
QVDGUR+MinionPro-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 30 0
FZPPKI+MinionPro-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 38 0
Helvetica-Bold Type 1 Custom no no no 52 0
Helvetica Type 1 Custom no no no 58 0
ZapfDingbats Type 1 ZapfDingbats no no no 188 0
Text 1: The pdffonts report of a document which references non-standard fonts but does not contain the fonts. This document is unlikely to render correctly by clients on platforms other than that which created it.
The most common defect is that the PDF references non-standard fonts which are also no embedded into the PDF document – such fonts will either not display when viewed on other clients or may be replaced, often unsuccessfully, based on the viewers font substitution tables. PDF documents can be examined using the pdffonts tool provided by the Poppler project.
[workflow tmp]# pdffonts scrubbed-document.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
KOFYDJ+LiberationSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 5 0
RXEXJO+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 6 0
IOKNUX+Arial TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 7 0
AADISD+MinionPro-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 10 0
AGFLBT+MinionPro-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 11 0
THKLNC+NimbusSanL-Bold Type 1 WinAnsi yes yes yes 12 0
CIXCHU+NimbusSanL-Regu Type 1 WinAnsi yes yes yes 13 0
QAOVNF+Dingbats Type 1 Builtin yes yes yes 14 0
Text 2: The same document as previously after being processed by the scrubbrush; fonts have been substituted based on Poppler's font substitution tables, and those fonts are now all embedded in the document. This document should render consistently regardless of client application or platform.
The scrub brush feature is available in the following workflow actions:
- searchDocumentsToZIPFileAction
- folderToZipFileAction
In the future the scrub brush feature will be made available in the messageToINBOXAction and documentToMessageAction workflow actions.
Author: Adam Tauno Williams
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